Tag: Slack
A Diminishing Willingness to Do or Try New Things
The technological inertia of adulthood, signified by a diminishing willingness to do or try new things. I have been trying, without a great deal of success, to get my friends interested in using Slack to communicate with one another. Slack is a great service with mobile apps, desktop apps, and a really slick web interface…
Communication is Broken
Communication is unbelievably important for a properly functioning society. And after ranting a little on Twitter this morning, now seems like as good a time as any to break down the best communication tools, why they’re good, and what they’re good for. Today’s communication is broken, we can’t talk effectively with the people we’re closest…
What’s the best way to communicate effectively? (January 10)
I’ve talked a LOT about messaging services. I’ve had conversations about them with various people for years, and in person or on a variety of those messaging services themselves. I take communication very seriously, so when a new application comes out that purports to change the world by making it easier to keep in touch…
Licensing Issues for Feedback…hmmm (Unwind Media | June 3 – 9)
This week, I finished moving Future Chat to SoundCloud, and by next week the entire Unwind Media back library will be over there! Feedback: The Music Volume I is nearing the date I said it would be out. I’m currently debating options for release, and trying to navigate doing it in as legal as way…
I want Nick Maddox to try Slack
Let’s make #ThingsNewNickWouldNeverDo trend. +Nick Maddox, don’t make this worse than it already is. [View the story “Things the new Nick would never do.” on Storify]