Tag: Experiment
So…Cold-fX is BS
“The study actually showed the placebo to be more effective at relieving (some) cold symptoms than Cold-fX.” In something surely nobody could have seen coming, it looks like there’s a non-zero chance anybody who purchased Cold-fX as a cold or flu remedy could be able to join a class-action suit in order to get some…
6 Months of Weight Loss (January 27)
This week, unless something goes horribly wrong, I will formally hit the goal weight that I set back at the end of June. This doesn’t technically count as ‘making something’, but it definitely took a lot of work. Anyhow, writing about it and posting about it and talking about it all the time has been…
How to make slow and steady progress
People ask me from time to time these days: “Rob, do you think you will regret keeping people updated on your weight from week to week?”. To those people, I say “Maybe…but if it stops changing in a healthy direction, I’ll probably just stop talking about it.” For the time being though, my not so…
Milestones! Gains! Losses!
That’s a lot of views (I’m just one man)! It’s been far too long since I last wrote something on here, and given that a whole heck of a lot has happened in the last month! First up, around the time of the writing of this post, my blog is going to pass another base…
East Meets West Returns Triumphantly, And Other Such Things
On UnwindMedia.com this week, I finally managed to convince Nick to sit down with me for another East Meets West! Thank goodness beer exists to help make that happen! We also had great episodes of Future Chat and Ottawhat? as you’d expect, and those were no slouches either. I should note that in Future Chat,…
Reflections On Soylent So Far
I’m going to keep this fairly short, but after 5 days having Soylent for at least one meal, here are my thoughts: I don’t like the taste of sucralose, and it is the main taste of the current formulation. If there was a non-sweetenered version, I would find that much tastier. I would also love…
I want Nick Maddox to try Slack
Let’s make #ThingsNewNickWouldNeverDo trend. +Nick Maddox, don’t make this worse than it already is. [View the story “Things the new Nick would never do.” on Storify]
Adventures in Podcasting with SoundCloud (Volume I)
.code { text-align: left; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; } I’ve been podcasting and building my website for a couple of years now, and I thought it would be useful to some people if I talked about some of the things I’ve gone through in getting my site up and running that I couldn’t find anywhere…
How To Get Noticed Online
For those of you wondering, this is how I see myself. I’ve conducted experiments before, but the one I’m going to embark on for the next week will potentially be the most difficult I’ve ever challenged myself with. If you followed me online in December 2014, you’ll recall the Instagram Experiment I embarked upon in the…