Tag: culture
Foreign policy is a literal minefield
Growing up, learning about geography and studying the world and the countries in it, we fail to really capture just how transient some parts of the world can really be. I definitely had no idea just how in flux this area of the Middle East has been, since our maps don’t really update often enough…
Oh yeah, empathy.
Why do I care so much that millions of people in another country, only a handful of whom I’ve ever met before, might lose their health care very soon?
What the hell can millennials do to fix the world?
With each passing day, week, month, and year, young people in North America and the world grow up. As we do so, more of the ills of society come into sharp relief. Typically full of optimism, I find it very hard to continue ignorantly living my life day-to-day, sheltered from the worst of what’s going…