Tag: Apple
FaceTime is fixed!
Update is out. iOS 12.1.4 fixes the bug as well as another security issue that Apple found while auditing the code for FaceTime. Group FaceTime has now been turned back on (for those on 12.1.4 or higher).
FaceTime Isn’t Broken
On Monday night (January 28), talk of a serious Group FaceTime bug hit the internet in a big way.
Stuck in the Past: Projection Woes
Next week, I will be heading to Montreal, where I’ll be giving three different presentations to three different audiences in three different rooms.
Ed Snowden can say whatever he wants
“The FBI says Apple has the ‘exclusive technical means’ to unlock the phone,” Snowden said. “Respectfully, that’s bullshit.” It must be really nice to be in a position where you can say something like this with confidence, having not a care in the world about repercussions. Not saying Snowden is in an enviable position overall,…
Soylent, Apple Watch and #DistractinglySexy
The entire Unwind Media library is now available on SoundCloud. We did it! Anyhow, now that the transformation of all the shows is complete, a lot more time just opened up for interesting new things…who knows what this summer will bring? Today, I ordered a 7-day supply of Soylent from a California company called Rosa…
iOS 9 First Impressions (from the future)
I’ve been writing part-time for MobileSyrup for a little over a month now, and since this piece is as topical as it will ever be, here is the writing sample I provided that got me started there. These are my predictions of what we can expect from Apple in the next version of their mobile operating…
Future Chat #50 – Future Chat … In Spaaaace …
This week, Rob teaches Nick (and Mike) about the security of Apple Pay, we complain about the agglomeration of corporations in the Western World, and debate the future of human space research. #50 – Future Chat…In Spaaaace… http://t.co/knBNmcv7GO #futurechat #science #tech #space #ApplePay — Future Chat (@FutureChats) February 23, 2015
The iPhone and Battery Life
Discussion about iPhone and iPad battery life has been swirling about the tech world of late. Specifically, the idea that many Apple products are made in service to an “ideal” battery life has come up in many of the circles I follow. Jason Snell wrote a very nice piece showing how Apple “solves” for battery…